Local contacts


Prof. Dr. Jan Dieterle (Treasurer)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1
D – 60318 Frankfurt am Main
E-mail: treasurer@trialog-journal.de

Dr. Nadine Appelhans (Outreach Coordinator)
TU Berlin, Sekr. A53
Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin
E-mail: outreach@trialog-journal.de

Katharina Frieling (Distribution and Subscriptions)
Hochschule RheinMain
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18
65197 Wiesbaden
E-Mail: distribution@trialog-journal.de

Dorcas Nthoki Nyamai (Coordinating Editor)
TU Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Straße 8, 44227 Dortmund
E-mail: editor@trialog-journal.de

Franziska Laue (Membership Coordinator and Conference Liaison)
Breitscheidstr. 37, 70176 Stuttgart
E-Mail: members@trialog-journal.de
E-Mail: conference@trialog-journal.de


TRIALOG Advisory committee:

Prof. Ashiq Ur Rahman

Dr. Marielly Casanova

Dr. Umut Kienast-Duyar

Dr. Wolfgang Scholz

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz 

Prof. Dr. Paola Alfaro d’Alençon 

Dr. Genet Alem 

Prof. Dr. Peter Gotsch 

Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz 

Dr. Steve Ouma Akoth 

Dr. Alexander Jachnow 

Dr. Eva Dick 

Dr. Julie Ren 

Prof. Dr. Marie Huchzermeyer 

Klaus Teschner