TRIALOG membership

The association TRIALOG e. V. is inviting new members from all parts of the globe! You can join the association at any time via the form below. The TRIALOG Journal and the conference are produced on a voluntary basis, only the layout process, proof-reading and printing of the journal issues are commissioned and remunerated. Active participation in production of issues and events is commended. Financing the work of the association such as printing and distribution of journal issues relies on membership fees and donations. 

Membership in the association costs an annual fee of 85€. Each member receives the newly published TRIALOG issues and gains access to the PDF files of all journal issues, including the most recently published ones. In addition, members get access to the minutes of the general assembly that are uploaded on the website – in the protected members’ area. Members have voting rights at the annual general meeting of the association and can help to shape the journal and the association’s work. Members receive a current newsletter with information on work offers, events and research projects in the thematic area of the association. New members are welcomed with a free choice of five printed TRIALOG issues from our journal archive after payment of the first subscription.

TRIALOG membership also encourages students to join the association at a reduced fee of 45€ per year. This reduced fee also applies to TRIALOG members in difficult financial situations. Students must provide proof of their status as students and those who wish to join as members in difficult financial situations should provide information about their income situation. In cases of doubt, the Board of the Association shall decide. The reduced fee also includes the subscription to issues (including five free issues as a welcome gift), access to the digital issues, voting rights and invitations to the annual general meeting. 

Any individual residing in Asia, Africa or Latin America can become a member at a reduced fee of 30€ per year. Remote members receive the Journal exclusively as a virtual issue via the members’ area of the website.

A membership fee of 400€ per year is set for institutional members. Institutional members receive three copies per issue of the journal and access to the virtual issue.

Become a member

I would like to become a member of the TRIALOG e. V. association. I have read the statute of the association and am aware of the rights and duties as a member.

    * Required information